Sunday, April 17, 2011

Circuit Bent Yamaha PSR-11

I have started a circuit bending project for a client.  The modification of a Yamaha PSR-11 with the request that the unit deliver a particular sound under tweaking of glitch switches and mixed data signals.

Sample video to get a feel for some of the available sounds this synthesizer can deliver under the influence of my copper wire, switches and solder.

 May 1, 2011
Project is complete.  This project included a data line cut on the YAMAHA YM812 chip (8-switches) and 9 other glitch modifications.  Glitch modifications included, feed back, body contact, increased tempo on rhythm and other sounds and 6 other bends centered on altering the sound from this machine.

YAMAHA PSR-11 Circuit Bent Session by gebrochene augen